研究578.2 nm激光照射对兔视网膜的作用特点,以新西兰白兔5只10眼为实验对象,铜蒸汽激光(578.2 nm)通过裂隙灯照射兔视网膜后极部,照射时间为100 s,光斑直径为2 mm,照射剂量分别为60 J/cm2、80 J/cm2、100 J/cm2、120 J/cm2、160 J/cm2、200 J/cm2,每组4个光斑。照后1 h及24 h进行眼底照相及光镜观察。照光后可见,随激光功率密度的增加,兔视网膜的损伤也逐渐加重,并且照后24 h的损伤要重于照后1h。80 J/cm2和60 J/cm2在照后1 h和24 h均未发现明显改变。578.2 nm激光照射白兔后的主要病理学改变位于脉络膜。因此,以578.2 nm激光作为光动力治疗眼底疾病的光源时,照射剂量不宜超过80 J/cm2。
To observe damage eftect of 578.2 nm laser on rabbit retina, ten eyes of five New Zealand albino rabbits were exposed to a copper vapour laser(578.2 nm) coupled to a slit lamp biomieroscope using a spot size of 2 mm. The irradiation dose included 60 J/cm^2 , 80 J/cm^2, 100 J/cm^2 , 120 J/cm^2 , 160 J/cm^2 and 200 J/cm^2 with exposure time of 100 seconds. The fundus photograph and light microscopic examination were performed at 1 hour and 24 hour after laser irradiation. Retinal damage induced by laser was strongly influenced by laser power density. With increasing of the power density, retinal damage aggravated. The retinal damage showed more severity at 24 h after irradiation than 1 h. When the laser power dose was 80 J/cm^2 or 60 J/cm^2 , there were no obvious changes in retina. The main histopathological change located in rabbit choroid. In conclusion, the laser irradiation dose should be controlled less than 80 J/cm^2 when 578.2 nm laser is used as light source of photodynamic therapy on fundus diseases.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica