Land use change modeling is an important technique for the projection of alternative future pathways, and for conducting experiments that test our understanding of key processes in land use change. The stochastic model is a powerful tool to quantify and model land use change in a simple way with limited data requirements. It is based on Markov processes and transition probabilities, and describes a stochastic process that moves in a sequence of steps through a set of states. For land use change, the states of the system are defined as the amount of land covered by various land uses. The transition probabilities can be statistically estimated from a sample of transitions occurring during a particular time interval. This study integrates GIS and stochastic modeling to simulate land use change in Shiqian County, located in a karst area in southwest China, during the period 1988- 2014. In the GIS-based stochastic model, Markov process and transition probabilities are used to simulate land use change. This approach treats state transitions as stochastic processes that are conditional only on the initial state. The factor of identical land use within a 3 by 3 grid-cell neighborhood receives special consideration. Neighborhood interactions between land use types are often included in spatially explicit analysis of land use change and they play an important role.
The application consists of two parts. First, transition probabilities of land use change with biophysical factors such as elevation, solope, distance to stream, distance to road and adjacent cell with the same land use are calculated and integrated into a stochastic model, together with the 1988 land use map interpreted from Landsat TM imagery. Then, using the stochastic model in ARC-GIS environment, the 2001 land use pattern is simulated based on the 1988 land use pattern. The model is verified by a statistical cell-by-cell comparison with the actual 2001 land use pattern interpreted from Landsat ETM imagery. Second, three hypothetical and plausible land use
Resources Science
Land use change
GIS-based stochastic model
Shiqian County
Southwest China