
流量矩阵估计研究综述 被引量:8

Overview of the Traffic Matrix Estimation Research
摘要 随着Internet网络的快速发展,网络操作员迫切需要知道网络中数据的流动情况,以便更好地进行网络管理、网络监控、网络设计和网络规划等网络流量工程管理。流量矩阵作为网络流量工程的重要输入参数,已受到国内外研究人员的广泛研究,现已成为Internet的一个重要研究方向。本文介绍流量矩阵研究的现状,并从性能上分析和比较各种研究方法,最后讨论流量矩阵研究的技术难题,并指出新的发展方向。 With the fast development of Internet network, network operators urgently want to know how the data in their network flow in order better to make network management, network monitoring, network designing and network planning and so on. Traffic matrix, as an important input of network traffic engineering, is widely researched by the worldwide researchers and becomes currently an important research area of Internet. This paper introduces the current research situations about traffic matrix, and analyses and compares the research methods about traffic matrix. Finally, we discuss the technologic difficulty of traffic matrix research, and point out the new development about traffic matrix.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期5-9,13,共6页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(No60572092)资助
关键词 流量矩阵 网络层析成像 SNMP 统计反演 Traffic matrix, Network tomograpy, SNMP, Statistical inference
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