
MEMS显示技术 被引量:4

MEMS-Based Display Technologies
摘要 由于MEMS器件具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低、性能优异等特点,MEMS技术在平板显示器产业日益受到人们的重视,基于MEMS的显示技术将推动新一代平板显示器的发展。文章重点分析了比较成熟的MEMS显示技术的工作原理,包括TI公司的数字微镜技术、斯坦福大学发明的光栅光阀技术、美国Iridigm Display公司发明的干涉调制显示器。讨论了各种技术的优势和应用局限性,指出改进工艺、降低成本、开发优质的MEMS材料是MEMS显示技术发展的方向。 MEMS technologies in FPD industry have attracted great deal of attention because it has advantages of volume small, weight light, low power consumption, performance better. MEMS technologies will drive progress of the next-generation FPD. In this paper principles of some representative MEMS technologies presented were introduced including TI's Digital Micromirror Device (DMD), Grating Light Valve (GLV) invented by Stanford University and Interferometric Modulator Display (iMoD). Their advantage and application limitation were discussed. The development direction of MEMS-based display technologies such as improving process, reducing cost, developing advanced materials was also discussed.
出处 《液晶与显示》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期230-234,共5页 Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays
基金 天津市科委攻关项目(No.033187011)
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