
膝关节半月板脱位的MRI诊断 被引量:2

MRI diagnosis of meniscal dislocation in the knee joints
摘要 目的探讨膝关节半月板脱位的MRI表现及诊断价值。方法回顾性分析20例经临床手术证实的膝关节半月板脱位均经MRI检查。主要临床表现为膝关节疼痛。结果膝关节半月板脱位并半月板撕裂15例;同时膝关节半月板脱位并骨关节炎14例。MRI征象:半月板脱离膝关节面,伴有撕裂可见T2WI稍高信号,T1WI为等信号。结论膝关节半月板脱位MRI可提供准确的诊断。 Objective To evaluate the usefulness of MR imaging for diagnosing the meniscal dislocation in the knee joints. Methosd MRI findings of 20 patients whose clinical symptoms were mainly knee pain and with surgically proved meniscal dislocation in the knee were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among 20 patients, the meniscal dislocation with tear was found in 15, while the meniscal dislocation with osteoarthritis was found in 14. On articular surface of the knee, meniscal dislocation with tear presented as slight hyperintense on T2WI and isointense on T1WI. Conclusion MR imaging can provide very reliable informations in the evaluation of meniscal dislocation in the knee.
出处 《实用医学影像杂志》 2008年第2期104-105,共2页 Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
关键词 膝关节 半月板 脱位 磁共振成像 Knee joint Meniscus Dislocation Magnetic resonance imaging
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