

Demolishment and deconstruction——the state demolishment of Marxism and deconstructionism
摘要 马克思的国家消亡理论并没有过时,反而在新时期以一种新的理论形式焕发出生命力,这不仅是对于一个老话题的全新阐释,而且是对于一个"异化了的社会"无奈的呐喊,但是两者到底是一种什么样的关系,笔者尝试从比较政治学的角度作一尝试,期盼学者关注一个"过时了的新话题"。 As a part of Marxism, the theory of state demolishing has not been out of time. On the contrary, however, the theory is coruscating its life in a form of new theory during a new period, which is not only an elucidatory to the old subject, but also is a painful cry to an "Alienated" society. But what relations between the Marxism' s and the Deconstructionism' s? We try to elucidate it from the angle of comparative politics to seek for the scholar' s attention to the "outdated" new subject.
出处 《青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期31-37,共7页 Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 青岛科技大学人文社科基金项目(ZD2006036)
关键词 国家消亡 解构 元叙事 话语政治 state demolishment deconstructionism meta-narration verbal politics
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