The landslide from sidaogou to dengjiawuchang is one of the most large landslides in three gorges reservoir area and the landslide nearby sidaogou is incompact debris overburden with. maximum thickness up to forty meters and abundant ground water. The investigation indicates that the stability of landslide is sensitive to changes of ground water level, to reduce the ground water level is the most efficient and most economical method to rise the stability of landslide. On the conditions that the excavation of discharge tunnel is very difficult and the efficiency of drainage is uncertain, a new tridimensional drainage technique, which combines hole, aperture and well, is presented and applied. The application validates that the new technique has high efficiency of drainage with few difficulty in excavation, which provides a valuable experimentation for the treatment to the large-scale overburden landslide with abundant ground water, only by the way of ground drainage.
Soil Engineering and Foundation
large-scale overburden landslide, tridimensional drainage network, ground water