本文介绍了武汉科技大学医学院生理学教研室在肾脏生理学教学中开展以问题为基础学习(problem based-learning,PBL)教学方法的实践。按照教学大纲的要求,从临床选择合适的病例并精心设计和组织教学过程。从教学的效果和评教评学的结果来看,PBL教学方法不仅能够完善教师自身的知识结构,而且充分发挥了学生在学习中的主体作用。
This article introduced PBL teaching model on renal physiology from the design of case, the course of PBL teaching and the evaluation of the teaching model. According to the results of the teaching innovation, we think'the PBL teaching model is a good way that can improve teachers' knowledge structure and stimulate student's enthusiasm in their study.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education