目的 研究玻璃体视网膜手术后眼球屈光系统的变化及其影响因素。方法应用眼科A型超声仪,i-Trace像差仪等对玻璃体切除术及部分联合视网膜内界膜剥除术的20例(20只眼),单纯玻璃体积血,混浊和20例(24只眼)特发性黄斑裂孔术前及术后1、4、12周时角膜厚度、前房深度、晶体厚度、玻璃体腔长度、眼轴长度及眼球角膜曲率、屈光度等低阶像差和高阶像差进行测量并将结果进行比较。结果术后l周前房深度加深、晶状体厚度变小(P〈0.05);术前散光轴多在0度和90度附近,术后散光度加大,散光轴主要在30度和150度附近,术后12周同术前比较差异无统计学意义;角膜曲率在术后1周明显增加(P〈0.05),在切口径线的角膜曲率变化最大;黄斑裂孔组高阶像差术前显著高于对侧眼,术后4周玻璃体疾病组和黄斑裂孔组的高阶像差仍偏高(P〈0.05),12周后接近对侧眼水平。结论玻璃体视网膜手术后眼球低阶像差在1个月内变化较大,3个月后恢复正常,黄斑裂孔术后3个月高阶像差较术前明显改善,视觉质量显著提高。
Objective To investigate the refractive changes of ocular after pars plana vitrectomy. Methods A total of 44 eyes of vitreous opacities or hemorrhage and idiopathic macular hole undergoing conventional PPV combined with or without internal limiting membrane peeling underwent A-scan and i-trance before surgery as well as 1,4 and 12 weeks after surgery. The refractive factors included the depth of anterior chamber, thickness of lens, length of vitreous, axial length of eye, corneal curvature, refraction and higher-order aberrations. Results Compared with preoperative measurements, the depth of anterior chamber was increased and thickness of lens was decreased significantly at 1 weeks post-operation(P〈0.05). Corneal astigmatism in axis was redistributed and corneal curvature and astigmatism were increased significantly at land 4 weeks postoperation(P〈0.05); Aberrations of IMH were increased significantly at preoperative period and 4 weeks post- operation, and recovered normal at 12 months after operation. Conclusions The refractive and astigmatism were changed significantly at 1 and 4 weeks post-operation, but no significant changes were observed at 12 months after operation. Higher-order aberrations of IMH were decreased significantly at preoperative period and recovered normal at 12 month after operation, getting better visual function.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
Pars plana vitrectomy
Higher-order aberrations