

Design of Performance Indicators for Enterprise-neglected Aspects
摘要 现在的企业处在一个持续变化的竞争环境中,管理者面临着严峻的挑战。众多管理人员为如何提高企业的效率和业绩而绞尽脑汁,他们并不是没有发现问题的存在,而是没能很好地考虑到这些问题对效率的损害以及如何引导员工提高效率。本文对这管理中问题之一的空白地带问题进行探讨,分析其诱因及影响,并提出了一套绩效指标体系。 With the rapid change of competitive environment, managers of enterprises are all faced with severe challenges. Although they work hard to improve business efficiency and performance, they still can not find the problems and their impact on efficiency and performance, then guiding staff to improve efficiency. This paper explores these problems and analyzes their causes as well as impacts, helping managers to build up a set of performance indicators.
作者 张良
出处 《浙江工商职业技术学院学报》 2008年第1期9-13,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Business Technology Institute
关键词 空白地带 组织结构图 战略绩效管理 指标体系 neglected aspect organizational structure strategic performance management indicator system
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