The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of id4 gene promotor methylation detection in NHL patients. MS-PCR method was used to detect the status of id4 gene methylation in health donors and newly diagnosed NHL patients. The results indicated that the id4 gene was unmethylated in bone marrow samples from health donors. Among 18 newly diagnosed NHL patients, including one NHL patient with bone marrow cells involved, 4 patients were found in id4 gene methylation by MS-PCR. The 14 patients with id4 gene unmethylation were in their stable status and no bone marrow involvement were found by bone marrow biopsy during the 8-month follow-up. During the follow-up, the patient with both bone marrow involvement and id4 gene methylation turned to leukemia, in 2 out of the 3 patients with id4 gene methylation but withont bone marrow involvement at diagnosis, the bone marrow involvement was found at last. It is concluded that the id4 gene methylation may be an indicator for MRI) in NHL patients without bone marrow involvement.
Journal of Experimental Hematology