Beiyu trondhjemites is mainly composed of homogenous trondhjemites and tredhjemiticgneisses with a large amount of enclaves of fine-graind biotite leptites., biotite schistes, scapolite biotite schistes and metamorphic Potash(K) -rich rhyolites. According to the previously dominantopinions, Beiyu trondhjemites is referred to the migmatite of shushui Complex in Archean or themigmatite(or magma body) in Zhongtiao Movement.Beiyu trondhjemites have been intrused into the adjoining Proterozoic K-rich rhyolites ofJiangxian Group from the geological mapping, which give a relative younger age for the Beiyutrondhjemites. Selecting seven whole rock samples for the Rb-Sr isochron dating, the age of 2107±59 Ma(2) has been obtained, which should date the crystallization age of the trondhjemites.considering the geological setting of the Zhongtiao Mountains, Beiyu trondhjemites is a intrusivebody during the Jiangxian Movement.Beiyu trondhjemites with tow 87Sr/86Sr initial value may give an evidence that trondhjemitederived from mantle, but the characetr of low 87Sr/86Sr value also can due to the source rocksthat had been sufferred by the granulite factes metamorphism. This is conformed by the depletionof Rb, K, U, Th and low Rb/Sr ratioes. Combining the peraluminous S-type and high 18OwR(9.75-11.70‰), Beiyu trodhjemite favor an origin involving partial melting of metamorphicsedimentary protoliths.KeyWords: Beiyu Trondhjemites, Rb-Sr isochron, S-type granite, Jiangxian Movement,Proterozoic
Progress in Precambrian Research