A new genus Unilepidotricha gen. nov. is proposed based on the type species U. gracilicurva sp. nov. collected from Yunnan, China. The photographs of the adult and the genitalia as well as the drawings of the wing venation are provided.
本文记述地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae的1新属:合腺地谷蛾属Unilepidotricha gen.nov.,及新种细弯合腺地谷蛾Unilepidotricha gracilicurva sp.nov.(图1-6)。新属与Xeringinia属近似且新种与X.altilis(Meyrick)很相似,但雄性腹部背面第3与第4节之间有特殊的狭长鳞片斑,颚形突和阳茎基环发达;雌性交配囊有2个囊突等可以区别。模式标本采自云南大理州巍山县巍宝山自然保护区,保存在南开大学生命科学院昆虫标本室。
The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30670251)