
反射式多路投影立体显示系统的研究 被引量:2

Study of a multiplex projection autostereoscopic display system with reflective method
摘要 设计了一种反射式多路投影立体显示系统,并介绍了该系统的成像原理及特性。系统将12幅视差图同时投影在柱面栅上,观察者仅凭肉眼就可看到具有双眼视差和运动视差的立体图像。系统成像视域较大,可以同时供多人观看。 A multiplex projection autostereoscopic display system with reflective method is designed.The principle of imaging and the character of the system are described.In the system three dimensions images with binocular parallax and motion parallax can be watched with no special glasses by project 12 view images onto a lenticular screen.The viewing zone is enlarged by the 12 view images.The system can present three dimensions image to several persons simultaneously.
作者 王桓 朱秋东
出处 《光学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期178-180,185,共4页 Optical Technique
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2006AA02Z4E5)
关键词 立体显示 多路投影 柱面栅 运动视差 three dimensions display multiplex projection lenticular screen motion parallax
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