
两种绵羊杂种GDF9基因和FecB基因的多态性及其与产羔数和体重关系的研究 被引量:5

Polymorphism of GDF9 and FecB Gene in Two Types of Crossbred Sheep and Their Effects on the Litter Size and Body Weight
摘要 以绵羊GDF9和FecB基因为候选基因,分别应用PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP方法研究了德滩寒杂种羊和陶滩寒杂种羊共63只个体的基因多态性以及基因多态性对产羔数和体重的影响。结果表明,两种基因在两种杂交绵羊群体中各有2种基因型(AA和AB,CC和CD)。在德滩寒杂种羊群体中基因型频率分别为0.09(AA)、0.91(AB)、0.53(CC)、0.47(CD);陶滩寒杂种羊群体中基因型频率分别为0.19(AA)、0.81(AB)、0.58(CC)、0.42(CD)。对德滩寒杂种羊群体研究发现:AA基因型群体平均产羔数为2.50,显著高于AB基因型群体(1.63,P<0.05);CD基因型群体平均产羔数为2.33,显著高于CC基因型群体(1.50,P<0.05)。对陶滩寒杂种羊群体研究发现:AA基因型群体平均产羔数为2.67,显著高于AB基因型群体(1.96,P<0.05);CD基因型群体与CC基因型群体平均产羔数相差不大。这些结果表明:GDF9基因的杂合子与两种杂种绵羊的产羔数之间呈显著负相关;FecB基因杂合子与陶滩寒杂种羊产羔数之间呈显著正相关。FecB基因和GDF9基因对两种绵羊杂种的初生重和断奶重无显著影响。 63 two types of crossbred sheep of(Tan X small-tail Han)× German Merino and(Tan×small-tail Han)× Poll Dorset were screened with forced PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP methods for the GDF9 gene and FecB gene respectively to study the polymorphism and their effects on litter size and body weight. Results showed that the two genes had two genetypes in the two types of crossbred sheep respectively(AA, AB, CC, CD). In the crossbred sheep of(Tan× small-tail Han) × Ger-man Merino, the genotype frequencies were 0.10(AA), 0.90(AB), 0.53(CC), 0.47(CD). In the crossbred sheep of(Tan 〉( small-tail Han) 〉(Poll Dorset , the genotype frequencies were 0. 19 (AA), 0.81 (AB), 0.58(CC), 0.42(CD). Results from the crossbred sheep of (Tan X small-tail Han)×German Merino showed that the mean litter size of ewes with genotype AA was 2.50 and higher than that of AB significantly (1.63, P〈0, 05). The mean Iitter size of ewes with genotype CD was 2.33 and higher than that of CC significantly (1.50, P〈0.05) . Results from the crossbred sheep of(Tan × small-tail Han)× Poll Dorset showed that the mean litter size of ewes with genotype AA was 2.67 and higher than that of AB signifi- cantly (1.96,P〈0.05). There was little difference in the mean litter size between genotype CD and genotype CC. The resuits showed that AB genotype was negatively correlative with litter size of two types of crossbred sheep remarkably; CD genotype was positively correlative with litter size of (Tan X small-tail Han) X Poll Dorset remarkably. FecB gene and GDF9 gene had little effect on both weaning body weight and birth body weight of the two types of crossbred sheep.
出处 《中国草食动物》 2008年第2期5-8,共4页 China Herbivores
基金 "十一五"科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD01A11)
关键词 绵羊 GDF9 FECB 多态性 产羔数 体重 sheep GDF9 gene FecB gene litter size body weight
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