
基于多核集群系统的并行编程模型的研究 被引量:6

Research of Parallel Programming Model Based on Multi-Core Cluster System
摘要 并行计算技术是计算机技术发展的重要方向之一。当前并行程序模型主要有消息传递模型和共享存储模型两种。随着处理器多核技术的发展,在一枚多核处理器中集成两个或多个完整的计算引擎(内核),并充分利用多核计算机的特性,发挥多核计算机的性能成为一个很重要的研究方向。介绍一种新的MPI实现机制,这种机制集成了共享存储模型和消息通信模型的优点,在节点内使用共享存储模型,在节点间使用消息传递模型,并且通过自动生成线程级的任务来获得更好的性能。 Parallel computing is one of the most important techniques of computing. Contemporary parallel programming model can be roughly divided into message-passing model and shared-memory model, With the development of multi-core processor, this integrated two or more intact computing engine (kernel) in one processor. There arouses a very important researching direction as how to effectively utilize the feature of the multi-core to achieve optimal performance. Introduce a new implementation of MPI, which could integrates the features of both the shared-memory model and the message-passing model, that is, use shared-memory model within one node while use message-passing model among nodes. And more over, better performance is achieved through automatic thread-level task spawning mechanism.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2008年第4期70-73,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
关键词 并行编程模型 消息传递模型 共享存储模型 MPI 线程 parallel programming model message-passing model shared- memory model MPI thread
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