
发展的历史,现代性的困境--以批判性的发展研究视角审视全球化 被引量:3

History of Development and Dilemma of Modernity:Examining Globalization from Critical Development Studies Perspectives
摘要 文章旨在通过回顾批判性发展研究以及有关现代性的争论中历史的和现今的主要趋势,借以构想对中国农村发展研究有所启迪的相关问题。同时,本文简要地呈现了一个哥伦比亚地区雨林保护的案例研究。文章第一部分从话语与社会实践的维度对发展进行了历史回顾,指出发展不仅是近代以来(二战以后)的产物,且具有更深远的历史渊源(植根于欧洲现代性),并以探讨后发展、另类现代性、非现代性等概念作为小结。文章第二部分关于哥伦比亚的案例研究,介绍了该地区某社会运动如何构建自身的政治生态,并一度对该地区的发展方向产生重大影响。文章第三部分提出了一个大纲式框架,旨在从生态、文化和经济差异的角度思辨发展。作为结论,本文提出了一些可能与中国农村发展具有相关性的问题。 This paper presents an overview of some historical and current trends in critical development studies and debates on modernity as a way to imagine questions that could be of interest when thinking about rural development in China. It also presents a succinct account of a case study of conservation in a rainforest region in Colombia. Part Ⅰ of the paper makes some general historical observations about development as discourse and social practice; it presents elements for thinking about development as both a recent (post-World War Ⅱ) historical process and as grounded in a longer historical matrix (Euro-modernity), and ends up by discussing notions of post-development, alternative modernities, and alternatives to modernity. Part Ⅱ introduces the Colombian case study, in which a regional social movement developed its own political ecology and was able to reorient development significantly for a time. Part Ⅲ presents the outline of a framework for thinking about and beyond development in terms of ecological, cultural, and economic difference. The Conclusion, finally, imagines some questions that might be of some relevance in terms of rural development issues in China.
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第1期7-24,共18页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
关键词 发展 现代性 差异生态学 Development Mordernity Ecology of diference
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