7Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices. Available from http://www. ala. org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/Standartts _ and Guidelines/ Characteristics _ of_ Programs _ of_ Information _ Literacy _ that _ Illustrate _ Best _ Practices. htm. 被引量:1
8Objectives for Information Literacy Instruction: A Model Statement for Academic Librarians. Available from http://www. ala. org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/ Standards _and_ Guidelines/Objectives_ for Information _ Literacy_Instruction A Model _ Statement _ for _ Academic _ Li-brarians. htm. 被引量:1
9Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries.available from http://www. ala. org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRi/Standards_ and _ Guidelines/Guidelines for Instruction _ Programs in CAcademic _ Libraries. htm. 被引量:1
10Michael Eorenzen. Active Learning and Library Instruction.Available from www. libraryreference. org./activebi. html. 被引量:1