Graduate Law Review
1COM(2001)264 final, A Sustainable Europe for s Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development,COM (2061) 428 final ,European Governance White Paper. 被引量:1
2COM (2002) 276 final, Impact Assessment,The Initial Guidelines were Adopted in 2002 ('Impact Assessment in the Commission - Guideline' and 'A Handbook for Impact Assessment in the Commission - Howto Do an Impact Assessment). 被引量:1
3COM(2002) 278 final, Action plan “Simplifying and Improving the Regulatory Environment”. 被引量:1
4SEC(2004)1377, Commission Report on Impact Assessment: Next steps - In Support of Competitiveness and Sustainable Development. 被引量:1
5COM(2005) 97 final, Better Regulation for Growth and Jobs in the European Union. 被引量:1
6SEC(2005) 791, Impact Assessment Guidelines. 被引量:1
7SEC (2005) 791. with 15 March 2006 update. Impact Assessment Guidelines. 被引量:1
8European Commission. Europe 2010: A Partnership for European Renewal Prosperity, Solidarity and Security , Strategic Objectives 2005-2009[Z]. COM (2005) 12 Final, 2005. 被引量:1
9European Commission. Impact Assessment Guidelines [Z]. SEC (2005) 0791, with 15 March 2006 Update, 2006. 被引量:1
10European Commission. A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development[Z]. COM (2001) 264 Final, 2001. 被引量:1
1许石慧.公用事业监管法治化研究[J].西南政法大学学报,2009,11(1):11-21. 被引量:4
2张芳雪.中国的立法评估路在何方——欧盟方法的评析与借鉴[J].牡丹江大学学报,2011,20(1):86-88. 被引量:4
3王保民,崔东晓.欧盟立法评估制度研究[J].行政与法,2011(5):101-105. 被引量:9
4王广辉,胡朋.论先行先试权评估的缘起、标准与方法[J].河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2013,40(1):50-54. 被引量:3
5何跃军.法规影响分析程序:提升立法质量的事前之道[J].地方立法研究,2019,4(5):85-105. 被引量:4
6张富利,袁镇.生态环境保护地方立法前评估机制探索——以福州三江口湿地立法前评估为样本[J].北京科技大学学报(社会科学版),2020,36(3):95-103. 被引量:5
7金成波.行政审批成本收益分析的理论证成及应用——兼谈《行政许可法》的修改与完善[J].河南社会科学,2022,30(11):31-37. 被引量:2
8王铀镱.立法性别平等评估的中国实践及评估指标体系设计[J].中华女子学院学报,2023,35(2):37-44. 被引量:1
1张华.欧洲一体化与初步裁决制度的互动性剖析[J].国际论坛,2005,7(1):69-73. 被引量:4
2European Commission, "Report from the Commission on the working of committees during 2007", COM (2008) 844 final. 被引量:1
3Council of Ministers, "Council decision of 13 July 1987 laying down the procedures for the exercise -of implementing powers conferred on the Commission", OJ L 197, pp. 33- 35. 被引量:1
4Council of Ministers, "Council decision of 17 June 2006 amending Decision 1999/468/EC laying down the procedures for thc exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission", OJ L 200. 被引量:1
5Council of Ministcrs, "Council decision of 28 Junc 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission", OJ L 184, pp. 23-26. 被引量:1
6European Commission, "Commission Communication on bettcr monitoring the application of Community law", COM (2002) 725 final. 被引量:1
7http://www. eipa. nl/ cms/repository/eipascope/Scop93_3_2 (2). pdf 被引量:1
8http://europa. eu/scadplus/leg/ en/lvb/114014. htm. 被引量:1
9http://ec.europa. eu/community_ law/directives/directives_ echeancier_en. htm. 被引量:1
10http://ec. europa. eu/community_law/directives/directives_communication_en. htm. 被引量:1
1朱贵昌.开放协调机制——欧盟应对成员国多样性的新治理模式[J].国际论坛,2010,12(3):8-12. 被引量:6
3张亚宁.欧盟的非正式治理模式刍议——以欧盟难民政策的发展为例[J].欧洲研究,2015,33(6):76-96. 被引量:6
4彭錞.迈向欧盟统一行政程序法典:背景、争议与进程[J].环球法律评论,2016,38(3):77-93. 被引量:6
5李诚.我国科技创新制度体系建设成效评价及完善对策[J].科技管理研究,2023,43(12):77-84. 被引量:3
6郑德铖.欧盟全球战略韧性转向动力研究[J].西部学刊,2023(19):73-76. 被引量:1
2许亚敏,陈新宇.两大法系的融合及对欧盟法的影响[J].科教文汇,2007(12X):178-178. 被引量:1
4薛喜成.浅议当代法律发展的全球化趋势[J].中共山西省委党校学报,2005,28(2):59-60. 被引量:1
7习近平.关于《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》的说明(节选)[J].中国应急管理,2016,0(1):5-7. 被引量:3