In the 1980s, with the publication of his novels such as Ta Pu (The Tower Shop), A Company of Recruits, The Institution, etc, Liu Zhenyun has become a representative of the "neo-realism novels", thus having drawn much attention in the academic circles. From 1991 to 1998, Liu Zhenyun has successively turned out a series of novels themed on "the hometown" which are characterized by a unique manner of relating history distinct from his previous approach, thus having caused a great sensation and led to numerous studies on these history novels in the critical circles. Flowers in the Hometown, Liu ghenyun has made new changes With the publication of his The Flour and and reforms in his writing style. When Yi Qiang Fei Hua (A Mouthful of Nonsense) was published, the writer has managed to transcend above his previous writing style by utilizing an innovative narrative mode characterized by individualized language. With the arrival of the new century, Liu Zhenyun has succeeded in publishing The Mobile Phone-a novel marked by a perfect combination of interesting form and profound content. It is probably because of researchers' interest in the experimental style of the novel or due to the popularity of a film of the same title that there has emerged in the academic circles a torrent of critical comments on the novel The Mobile Phone.
Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
Liu Zhenyun
neorealist novels
a series of novels on officialdom
a series of novels on the hometown
A Mouthful of Nonsense
The Mobile Phone