In this paper, fluorescent lifetimes of Sm3+ in SmxLa1-xP5O14 single crystals originating from transitions between 4G5/2 and 6HJ (J = 5/2, 7/2, 9/2,11/2) energy levels and Dy3+ in DyxY1-xP5O14 single crystal originating from transitions between 4F9/2 and 6HJ (J=15/2, 13/2, 11/2, 9/2) energy levels at several concentrations were measured and investigated in detail.The measurement of lifetime was completed by pulse decay curve method and time resolved fluorescent spectrum method, the relative crror<15%. The set-up of lifetime measuring consists of a N2 laser and a photoelectricity detecting system with pulsed gated Boxcar averager.Measurement of fluorescent intensities of the rare earth pentaphosphate single crystals was completed by MPF-4 Fluorimetcr.The relationship between fluorescent lifetime and concentration of rare earth ions in SmxLa1-xP5O14 and DyxY1-xP5O14 single crystal has been found. As shown in Fig.4, there arc different fluorescent lifetimes in different pentaphosphate single crystals. For example, fluorescent lifetime of SmxLa1-xP5O14 and DyxY1-xP5O14 single crystals are ~300us and ~60us at rare earth ion concentration 0.2M, respectively. Fluorescent lifetimes of pentaphosphate single crystals decrease with the increasing of rare earth ion concentration. For. Table 1, fluorescent lifetimes of SmxLa1-xP5O14 single crystal drop from about 30000uS to 13us as Sm3+ concentrations from 0.01M to 1.0M; fluorescent lifetimes of DyxYx -XP5O14 single crystal drop from about 380ns to 7ns as Dy3+ concentrations from 0.05M to 1.0M. Fluorescence decay rate of two kind crystals is different, fluorescence decay rate of SmxLa1-xP5O14 is greater than that of DyxY1-xP5O14. A serious concentration quenching can be observed.The relationship between fluorescent intensities and rare earth ion conccntr- ations in SmxLa1-xP5O1 4 and DyxY1-xP5O14 are described in Fig.7,8.We also discussed relationship of fluorescent intensities and fluorescent lifetimes, of SmxLa1-xP5O14 and DyxY1-xP5O14 single crystals, as Fig.9, 10shown. Th
Chinese Journal of Luminescence