
“分子中药学”内涵与现代中医药 被引量:12

Molecular Composition Theory of Chinese Medicinal Materials and Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 目的:阐述"分子中药学"内涵与现代中医药发展的必要性及其意义。方法:笔者在总结多年中医药理论学习与中药学科研实践经验的基础上,集大量业内人士中医药学最新研究成果和经验,采用对比分析和总结及提炼的方法,愚述己见并与广大学者共勉。结果:一是传统中医药面临危机。近百年来传统中医药学发展缓慢,导致国内个别学者误称中华民族国粹之一的中医药学是"伪科学",甚者有"取缔中医药"的言论。二是中医药是21世纪全球普遍关注且最具发展潜力的自然学科。"八纲辨证"和"辨证论治"是传统中医药理论的精髓,中药的临床治病多样性和多靶性揭示中药的多成分即多分子效应机制。由此认为中药是由诸多具有特定骨架(即结构)和药理活性的分子组成。研究和分析中药的分子组成、结构、理化性质、药理活性及其机制和规律是分子中药学的科学内涵。三是分子中药学是现代中医药理论的基础。现代中医药理论的关键是中医治病原理的现代化。现代中医临床证治实践的知情权是医患双方共同关心的核心问题。揭示中药疗疾的物质基础是中医药理论研究的重大课题。要解决这些问题都将从研究分子中药学入手。结论:分子中药学是现代中医药发展的必然,分子中药、方证组方和物效基础等研究将成为未来中医药理论体系的主要内容,分子中药新药极有可能是将来中药市场的主流产品。 Objective: To expound the concept of the Molecular Composition Theory of Chinese Medicinal Materials(MCTCMM) and the essentiality and significance of developing the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Methods: The author advocates the standpoint on the MCTCMM to summarize many years of himself scientific researches on the Chinese Medicinal Materials (CMM) and TCM, to imbibe experiences of the latest professional researches and achievements in the field of TCM. Results: Firstly, TCM is faced with a crisis. In the past one-hundred years the TCM has not been particularly improved and progressed very slowly. Some domestic scholars deem the TCM ‘a pseudoscience', even suggest to prohibit apply the TCM. Secondly, TCM is a natural science which has huge potential and is attracted global attention by medicine specialist in the 21st century. "Identify signs by eight principles" and "determine treatment by patterns identified" is the essence of the TCM theory. The varieties and multi-targets characteristic of the CMM reveal that CMM is a multi-component compounds, i.e. ti obeys multi-molecular effect mechanism. Therefore, the author considers that the CMM is organized with various molecular composition of specific chemcial constitution and pharmacological activity. Studying and analyzing CMM's molecular compositions, chemcial constitution, physicochemical properties, pharmacological activities, mechanisms and rule are the scientific connotation of the MCTCMM. Thirdly, the MCTCMM is the theoretical foundation of the modern TCM. The essence of this theory is the modernization of the principle that modern TCM treats diseases. The rights to know the active component of the CMM utilized during the clinical treatment shows solicitude for both doctors and patients. To study and research the active component for CMM treats disease is a graveness question for study or discussion theory of the modern TCM. To solve above problems, ti is the operating starting point to study and research of the MC
作者 王四旺
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2008年第3期9-12,共4页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
关键词 中药 分子中药学 分子中药 方证组方 现代中医药 Chinese Medicinal Materials(CMM) Molecular Composition Theory of Chinese Medicinal Materials(MCTCMM) Molecular Medicine developed the active component from CMM constitute prescription by disease's morbidity character and the active component from CMM Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine(MTCM)
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