目的改进术前护理访视工作的方式和内容,提高术前访视质量。方法对2006年9月至2007年2月实施的4 268例择期手术患者的术前护理访视情况进行分析,由护士长管理,专人负责术前访视单回收、清点、整理,进行术前访视质量和效果评估。结果改进术前访视工作后手术访视率提高至99.81%,访视单书写合格率提高至99.23%。结论术前护理访视工作的改进措施具有较好的可操作性和可行性,有利于提高手术患者对手术室护理的满意度。
Objective To improve the means and contents of pre - operative visit,and thereby to improve the quality of pre - operative visit, Methods The improved pre - operative visits were provided for 4 268 selective surgery patients from Sep. 2006 to Feb. 2007 in the operating room. The head nurse took in charge of the management of pre - operative visits and assigned a special person to take back, check, and collect the forms of pre - operative visits. Then,the quality and effect of pre - operative visits were evaluated. Result After the improvement of the pre - operative visit, the pre - operative visit rate was increased to 99.81% ,and the qualified rate of the records of pre - operative visit was increased to 99.23%. Conclusion The improvement of pre - operative visit is proved to be practical and feasible,whlch is beneficial for the increase of patients' satisfaction.
Journal of Nursing Administration
pre- operative visit
operating room
nursing management