澳大利亚是世界第六大LN(G液化天然气)出口国。现有西北大陆架(North West Shelf)和达尔文(Darwin)两个已经投产的LNG项目,总产能约为1500万吨/年。待实施的LNG项目主要有Gorgon、Pluto、Browse、Pilbara和Ichthys等。如果所有拟建项目均能如期投产,到2017年,该国LNG产量将从2008年的2000万吨增至5000万吨。澳大利亚LNG工业发展面临的挑战主要有:LNG市场全球化带来的竞争,LNG气源的勘探开发成本以及LNG加工厂的建造成本持续上涨,西澳州政府颁布的"国内天然气保留政策"造成的LNG项目可用气量减少,技术工人短缺,项目环境影响评价的审批时间冗长等。澳大利亚国内政治稳定且政府重视发展LNG项目,国际LNG市场价格持续攀升,亚太地区对LNG的巨大需求以及多家具有丰富LNG项目运作经验的国际油气公司"强强联合",这些因素预示着澳大利亚LNG工业的发展前景十分广阔。
Australia is the world's sixth-largest exporter of LNG (liquefied natural gas). Two LNG projects are currently operational at the North West Shelf and Darwin, with a total capacity of about 15 million t/a. Additionally, a number of major LNG projects have yet to be executed at Gorgon, Pluto, Browse, Pilbara, Ichthys and other sites. Assuming each of the proposed projects proceeds on schedule, Australia's LNG output will increase from 20 million tons in 2008 to 50 million tons by 2017. However, Australia's LNG industry will have to overcome several major hurdles: competition in a globalized LNG market; ongoing increases in the cost of exploring and developing LNG gas resources, and in the cost of building LNG plants; reductions in the quantity of useable gas for LNG projects under Western Australia's Domestic Gas Reservation Policy; a shortage of technicians; and the long waiting period required for approval of environmental impact assessments. The political situation in Australia is quite stable, and developing LNG projects is a government priority. While prices continue to climb in the global LNG market, there is enormous demand in the Asia-Pacific region. As well, strong ties are forming between many international oil and gas corporations with extensive backgrounds in operating LNG projects. All these factors point to broad horizons for Australia's LNG industry.
International Petroleum Economics