
国学与时代精神 被引量:29

The Chinese National Learning and the Spirit of the Times
摘要 百年来的国学论争,和振兴中华、实现现代化的时代主题密切相关。近现代意义的国学,是本国文化、民族文化的代称;近20年人们所热谈的国学,是传统文化的别称,包括古代和近现代,包括人文社会科学和自然科学。国学论争的实质,是中国如何实现现代化、实现什么样的现代化。国学是中性概念,但国学研究和实践有价值取向。清末民初关于国学概念的争鸣,东西文化论战背后的国学价值理念的交锋,现代化问题论争中的国学观,中国文化出路论争中的国学观,近20年文化热和国学热中的国学理念,都是一定的时代精神的反映。百年来的国学发展,其明显的思想轨迹和时代特征,是时代精神与国学的双向互动。国学反映着时代精神,时代精神推动着国学,引领着国学。近年的国学热潮,是改革创新的时代精神的反映,是对西方文明挑战的回应,也是民族文化自信力增强的表现。不能把国学当成包医百病的灵药,更要反对用国学等同、取代当代新型文化建设的企图和做法。国学的研究和应用,应当在改革创新的时代精神的引领之下进行,并且在时代精神的烛照下焕发新的生命。简单否定、排斥国学,固然不妥;而盲目推崇、迷信国学,也缺乏理性。 The debates on the Chinese national learning in the past century have been closely related to the theme of times development,which is helpful to rejuvenates China and realize modernity. In its modern sense,it generally refers to the Chinese national culture. Its heated discussion in the last 20 years represented the traditional Chinese culture,which spans from ancient to modern time and concerns both social and natural sciences. The debates on the Chinese national learning are essentially on how realizing modernization and what kind of modernization to pursue in China. The Chinese national learning is neutral as a concept,but people usually impose various values on it in study and practice. On the other hand,the times spirit is reflected to some extent in the debates,which can be roughly divided into several stages: the debate on its concept from the late Qing dynasty to the early Republic of China(about 1900-1915),that on its value involved in another vast debate on the eastern and western cultures(about 1915-1927),that on modernization(in 1930x),that on the way out for Chinese culture(1930s to 1940s),and an intense discussion underlying a cultural craze in the last two decades. Its development in the past hundred years,with a clear track of thought and some obvious features of the times,is caused by the interaction between it and the times spirit. The Chinese national learning reflects the times spirit,while the latter offers some impetus to and guides the former. The recent hotly discussion reflects a spirit of innovation characterized the age,develops in response to the challenge of western civilization,and displays Chinese people’s confidence in their national culture. However,the Chinese national learning can neither be used as a cure-all medicine nor be treated as a replacement of the new cultural construction. Today’s spirit of innovation should direct the study instead. It is irrational to reject or accept the learning blindly.
作者 李宗桂
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期21-32,共12页 Academic Research
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