
“人本安全”的价值论争 被引量:3

Controversies on the Value of Human Security
摘要 人本安全概念问世十余年来,各种论者从定义表述、概念内涵、价值基础、实际应用等方面对其价值做了大量探讨。批评者认为其宽泛含混,有"新瓶装旧酒"之嫌,安全主体的界定顾此失彼,且过于理想化,缺乏可操作性,易遭利用,又往往在普世主义的旗帜下陷入"文化中心主义"的泥淖。辩护者则坚称其综合性的应用价值、时代效用与对女性的关注,认为应将其视为一种安全理论而非政策议程,故不必将其改造为操作性工具,其定义也因而有必要保持宽泛特征,以更具包容性和普适性。这些论争可概要划分为针对"人本安全的理念价值"及"UNDP的人本安全界定与阐释"两个方面的分歧,它反映了国际社会不同主体在安全内涵的主观感知和价值判断上存在的差异。 The term "Human Security" was fostered by the United Nations Development Program in the first part of 1990s. From then on, Human Security has rapidly moved to occupy center stage in discussion of foreign policy and other related issues. Different scholars have probed into its significance from aspects of definition, connotation, value basis and application. Critics allege that existing definitions tend to be extraordinarily expansive and vague, encompassing everything from physical security to psychological well-being, which makes it impossible to prioritize policies and actions and provides policymakers with little guidance in the operationalisation. Some argue that it is merely "old wine in new bottles", combining traditional concerns about "freedom from fear" and "freedom from want", roughly parallel to the first and second generation of human rights. Others argue that the concept is "too idealistic", and fails to take into account the real-world politics of geopolitical power in a rapidly changing international system. And treating individuals as the referent object of security does not always represent the best means of understanding a particular situation of insecurity. For example, issues of identity and ethnic difference may be ignored. And because of its vagueness and breadth, states may benefit from positive perceptions of Human Security without seeking fundamentally to institutionalize Human Security concerns within political practice. It has the ambition to be a catch-all approach to global problems but is often trapped in unconscious "cultural centralism" under the banner of universalism. But advocators insist that the inclusion within the rubric of approach) of factors as diverse as environmental change, security (through the Human Security military security, human rights and development inequality help us to acknowledge the relatedness of these problems in terms of their origins and broad solutions. They believe that the concept's strength lies in its holism and incl
作者 刘志军
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第2期116-125,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 福特基金会资助项目(1035-0916-1)
关键词 人本安全 非传统安全 人类发展 human security non-traditional security human development
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