通过正交试验研究了连二亚硫酸钠用于OCC纸浆轻度漂白中相关工艺参数对纸浆光学性能的影响.结果表明,影响OCC纸浆连二亚硫酸钠漂白的主要因素是连二亚硫酸钠的用量,其次是处理时间和处理温度,而浆浓对漂白效果的影响最小.连二亚硫酸钠漂白过程的最佳工艺条件为:连二亚硫酸钠用量为1.5%,浆浓为12%,漂白温度为70℃,漂白时间为60min,EDTA用量为0.5%,pH值为5~6.在上述最佳处理条件下,漂后纸浆的亮度值可达到69.11(CIE L^*),较OCC未漂浆提高了3.18个单位.
This paper studied the process parameters in sodium hyposulphite slight bleaching of OCC pulp. And the effect of process parameters on the optical property of pulp was studied. The results showed that the main factor was sodium hyposulphite dosage, secondly bleaching temperature, time, and the pulp consistency on sodium hyposulphite bleaching of OCC pulp. The CIE L^* of bleached OCC reached 69.11, and enhanced 3.18 units, when sodium hyposulphite dosage was 1.5%, the pulp consistency was 12%, bleaching temperature was 70℃ and time was 60 min, EDTA dosage was 0. 5 %, pH value was 5-6.
Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology