2006年利用架子网进行了渤海湾渔业资源调查工作,通过对样品分析,发现渤海渔业资源量又有所下降,与1998年调查资料相比较,平均网产由40.1 kg下降到31.8 kg,下降了20.7%,其中毛虾由20.8kg下降到11.5 kg,下降了44.7%;赤鼻棱鯷由1.0 kg下降到0.3 kg,下降了70%;叫姑鱼由6.2 kg下降到0.4 kg,下降了93.5%;尖尾鰕虎鱼由4.3 kg下降到0.9 kg,下降了79.1%;。其他品种也相应的有所下降。另有、焦氏舌鳎、长蛸、短蛸未出现。
We had got mass data from conducting the investigation for Bohai bay adjacent shore fishery resources since 1998. It was the data that provided the credible foundation for the fishery managerial department to formulate fishery laws and protection convention of reproduction. It also provided the fishing forecast for producting sector. This year by using frame net for investigation and through analysis of sample , we found that theamount of fishery resources of Bohai had been reduced in 2006. Compared with 199, the average yield per net has been reduced from 40.10kg to 31.8kg , (the reduced ratio is 20.7%). For examples: shrimps,from 20.8kg to 11.5kg, (the reduced ratio is 44. 7%);Rednose anchovy,from 1.0kg to 0.3kg, (the reduced ratio is 70%);Jewfishes,from 6.2kg to 0.41kg, (the reduced ratio is 93.4%);Lancettail goby,from 4.3kg to 0.85kg, ( the reduced ratio is 80.2%). Other species have aslo been reduced. And some species such as Joyners tongue--sole,Long octopus Octopus variabilis,Short octopus Octopus ocellatus had not been emerged.
Bohai bay Fishery resources Investigation Biology Fishing yield