
日光温室黄瓜非均质冠层光合生产的模拟 被引量:3

Simulation of row cucumber canopy photosynthesis in sunlight greenhouse
摘要 用均质冠层结构的光合模型来模拟非均质的日光温室黄瓜冠层光合速率则误差较大。该文所建立的日光温室黄瓜非均质冠层光合速率模型考虑到日光温室黄瓜冠层内光照分布以及叶片光合特性的不均匀性,其包含了非均匀冠层的透光模型和描述冠层叶片光合特性差异的经验公式。利用该模型对冠层光照分布和冠层光合速率的模拟结果表明:当模拟时所取的植株高度小于1.2m,则冠层内直射光透光率和散射光透光率的模拟结果与验证值相比符合程度较好,但是对于模拟冠层单位体积内叶面积的总光合速率的结果还有待于进一步的验证。 Some errors are inevitably produced while using the homogeneous canopy photosynthesis model to simulate the cucumber photosynthesis rate of heterogeneous rowed crop canopy in sunlight greenhouse. So in this paper, the improved models were proposed which regarded the leaf photosynthetic trait and the light penetrating into row cucumber crop canopy heterogeneously, it is composed by the model of photon transport in heterogeneous leaf canopy and the empiristic formula which described regression between leaf age and maximal photosynthesis rate and use efficiency of sunlight. The simulation of the light distribution in canopy was validated, and the results show the calculations and measures were fitted well when plant height adopted in model was less than 1.2m. And the sum of total leaf photosynthesis rate was caculated in the per volume leaf age and photosynthesis trait of canopy was assured by using the simulation distribution of photosynthesis active radiation(PAR) in canopy and empiristic formula which described regression between leaf age and photosynthesis trait, but experiments are needed for further validation of these results.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期181-187,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
关键词 日光温室 黄瓜 冠层光合作用 模拟 sunlight greenhouse cucumber, photosynthesis of canopy simulation
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