The feature of Ternary Content Addressable Memories(TCAMs) makes them particularly attractive for IP address lookup and packet classification applications in a router system. However,the limitations of TCAMs impede their utilization. In this paper,the solutions for decreasing the power consumption and avoiding entry expansion in range matching are addressed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed techniques can make some big improvements on the performance of TCAMs in IP address lookup and packet classification.
The feature of Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs) makes them particularly attractive for IP address lookup and packet classification applications in a router system. However, the limitations of TCAMs impede their utilization. In this paper, the solutions for decreasing the power consumption and avoiding entry expansion in range matching are addressed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed techniques can make some big improvements on the performance of TCAMs in IP address lookup and packet classification.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60532030).