
家畜行为及其遗传学研究进展 被引量:2

Research Progress of Livestock Behaviour and Its Genetics
摘要 家畜生产育种中除对日增重、饲料报酬、瘦肉率等主要生产性状进行选择外,还要求家畜性情温和、无恶癖、母性好、恐惧行为低等良好的行为性状。因此改善提高家畜重要行为性状在生产实践中亦不容忽视。家畜重要行为性状主要指与生产及选择密切相关的母性行为、恐惧行为、攻击行为等,这些性状一般具有数量遗传学的特点,故可通过选择提高以改善其性能。本文在表观及分子水平综述了国内外家畜重要行为性状及其遗传的研究进展,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用。 In livestock breeding, except for selecting the major productive performances as daily weight gain,feed reward, muscle percentage, some other good performotnces should also be considered such as mildness, cacoethes-free, maternity and low fearfulness. So improving the livestock's major behavior traits can't be neglected in practice. The major behavior traits of livestocks mainly refer to the maternity, fearflness and attacking behavior which are closely related to production and selection. These behaviors bear the characteristics of quantity genetics, therefore selection could be applied to improve its performance. The article reviewed the research progress of important behavior traits and genetics of livestocks domestic and abroad, hoping to promote the genetic study on domestic livestock behavior.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2008年第1期6-9,共4页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
关键词 家畜 行为 行为遗传 研究进展 domestic animal behaviour behaviour genetic research progress
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