本文基于间苯二酚和对苯二酚在不同酸性体系中的荧光差异性,建立了双体系双波长荧光分析法同时测定间苯二酚和对苯二酚的分析方法。反应体系激发波长选为280 nm,波长对为309.0 nm(pH 2.0)/358.7 nm(pH 7.0)和329.6 nm(pH 7.0)/358.7 nm(pH 2.0),两波长对得到的荧光光谱强度差分别与间苯二酚和对苯二酚的浓度具有良好的线性关系,测定间苯二酚和对苯二酚的线性范围分别为1.0×10^-8~1.0×10^-5mol/L和1.0×10^-8~5.0×10^-5mol/L。该法用于实验室废水中间苯二酚和对苯二酚测定,回收率分别为95.3%~101.0%和94.3%~97.0%。
Based on the fluorescent difference of resorcinol and hydroquinone at different acid medium, a novel method for simultaneous determination of resorcinol and hydroquinone by double-system double-wavelength fluorometry was developed. The excitation wavelength of the reaction systen is at 280 nm. The wavelength pairs for determining resorcinol and hydroquinone at pH 2 (HCl) and pH 7 (H2O) are 309.0 nm(pH 2. 0)/358.7 nm (pH 7.0) and 329.6 nm(pH 7.0)/358.7 nm(pH 2. 0),respectively. The fluorescence intensity differences obtained by both wavelength pairs are linear with the concentration of resorcinol and hydroquinone in the range of 1.0 × 10^-8 - 1.0 × 10^-5 mol/L and 1.0 × 10^-8 - 5.0 × 10^-5 mol/L, respectively. The method has been used for the determination of resorcinol and hydroquinone in the laboratory waste water with the recoveries ranging from 95.3% to 101.0% and 94.3% to 97.0%,respectively.
Metallurgical Analysis