
香港特区终审法院判决与“人大释法”不一致所引发的内地孕妇来港产子潮问题探讨 被引量:1

The Conflict between the Hong Kong SAR Superior Court Decision and "Releases the Law with NPC"Initiates the Question of Large Population of the Pregnant Women in Main Land Come to Hong Kong to Give Birth
摘要 香港特区终审法院在庄礼源案的裁决对香港产生了深远重大的影响。该案的判决与全国人大常委会在1999年6月26日对香港基本法有关条款作出的解释不尽一致。若终审法院在裁决庄丰源案时能考虑到"人大释法"就有关筹委会的意见已反映在《基本法》第24条第2款其他各项的立法原意这一决议中,则有相当充分的法律理据来裁定庄丰源败诉。这样非法入境、逾期居留或在香港临时居留的人在香港逗留期间所生的中国籍子女,并不能享有香港居留权。同时,内地孕妇亦不会因为希望其子女获得香港居留权而引发争相到香港产子的情况。 The Hong Kong SAR Superior court document's ruling in the case of Zhuang Liyuan has had the profound significant influence to Hong Kong. There is some differences between the decision of above-mentioned case and the Standing Committee of the National People" s Congress the explanation which made to the Hong Kong Basic Law related provision in June 26, 1999. If when Superior court adjudicates Zhuang Fengyuan case the document, they can consider "National People' s Congress releases the law" to reflect on the related preparation committee' s opinion in "Fundamental law" in 24th second section of other each legislative original intention this resolution, Then had the quite full legal principle according to rule Zhuang Fengyuan to lose a lawsuit. Such illegal immigration exceeds the time limit the residence or the human who resides temporarily in Hong Kong in Hong Kong layover lives Chinese nationality children, cannot enjoy Hong Kong right of residence. At the same time, the pregnant women in mainland also do not hope that the children will obtain Hong Kong right of residence to initiate struggle the situation which give birth in Hong Kong.
作者 陈咏梅
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期65-70,共6页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 庄礼源案 终审法院判决 “人大释法” 基本法 Zhuang Liyuan case Superior court decision "National People's Congress releases the law" Fundamental law
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