The Hong Kong SAR Superior court document's ruling in the case of Zhuang Liyuan has had the profound significant influence to Hong Kong. There is some differences between the decision of above-mentioned case and the Standing Committee of the National People" s Congress the explanation which made to the Hong Kong Basic Law related provision in June 26, 1999. If when Superior court adjudicates Zhuang Fengyuan case the document, they can consider "National People' s Congress releases the law" to reflect on the related preparation committee' s opinion in "Fundamental law" in 24th second section of other each legislative original intention this resolution, Then had the quite full legal principle according to rule Zhuang Fengyuan to lose a lawsuit. Such illegal immigration exceeds the time limit the residence or the human who resides temporarily in Hong Kong in Hong Kong layover lives Chinese nationality children, cannot enjoy Hong Kong right of residence. At the same time, the pregnant women in mainland also do not hope that the children will obtain Hong Kong right of residence to initiate struggle the situation which give birth in Hong Kong.
Hebei Law Science
Zhuang Liyuan case
Superior court decision
"National People's Congress releases the law"
Fundamental law