虚拟生理人(VPH)项目由欧盟强力支持,致力于人体生理在各层面的全身完整模型的建立,从器官、组织、细胞和分子水平到基因水平。该项目从STEP项目率先实施,由欧盟资助下的协调行动从2006年初正式启动。作者介绍了VPH项目及其最近通过physiome平台在世界范围的快速发展。最后,着重介绍了VPH项目在骨肌系统的一个子项目—Living Human项目和其在世界各地的类似的研究探索。
The Virtual Physiological Human is an initiative that is strongly supported by the European Commission for the development of an integrated model of human physiology at multiple scales from the whole body through the organ, tissue, cell and molecular levels to the genomic level. Its development was considerably advanced by the activities of the STEP project, a Coordinated Action funded by the EC, which began in early 2006. This paper provides an overview of the VPH and the developments it has engendered in the rapidly expanding world-wide activities associated with the physiome. It then focuses on one particular project, the Living Human Project, to illustrate the type of advances that are taking place to further the aims of the VPH and similar initiatives worldwide.
Journal of Medical Biomechanics