卫星资料已大量应用于数值天气预报,占据了所用观测资料的主体并对数值天气预报效果的改善具有明显的作用。目前卫星资料的同化应用一方面在努力解决受地表辐射、云和降水影响的卫星观测资料的同化问题,以充分利用现有卫星资料并发挥其效能,同时发展适应伴随全球观测系统建立而带来大数量和多种类新类型卫星资料的同化应用。文章介绍了为满足卫星资料在数值天气预报中同化应用现状与发展而建立的两个卫星资料同化研究中心(JCSDA:Joint Center of Satellite Data Assimilation和NWP SAF:Satellite Applications Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction)的基本情况,并简要讨论我国数值天气预报中卫星资料同化应用。
The status and development of the application of satellite data assimilation in numerical weather forecast is introduced. A large amount of satellite data has already being used in numerical weather forecasts. It occupies major amount of data resources and has great effect on the accuracy improvement of numerical weather forecasts. The attempt to assimilate the satellite data affected greatly by surface emissivity, cloud and precipitation is being made to fully use satellite observation in existence. At the same time, the application of satellite data assimilation in numerical weather forecasts is developing toward an accommodation with the great amount and new types of satellite measurements brought by the global observation system. Introduction is made to two main joint satellite data assimilation centers: JCSAD (Joint Center of Satellite Data Assimilation) and NWP SAF (Satellite Applications Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction), which were built to meet the requirements of the status and development of the application of satellite data assimilation in numerical weather forecasts, with a brief discussion on satellite data assimilation in numerical weather forecast in China.
Meteorological Science and Technology
numerical weather forecast, satellite data, assimilation