
科研项目审批制度分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Authorization System of Sicence Research Project
摘要 针对科研项目审批问题,采用决策分析方法,讨论了科研项目精英审批制和民主审批制的相对效率,结合我国科学研究发展的实际水平,比较了两种制度的适用性。结论是,在项目水平普遍不高的情况下,应采用民主审批制;在项目水平较高且专家能力差异很大的情况下,则应采用精英审批制。 Recently the discussion about the power distribution of the decision right on the scientific research project is becoming hot. Many scholars dissatisfied against the current situation that the ministerial staffs hold the decision right on the funds, and advocated the peer review instead. As to this argument, there are more and more scientific elites appointed as the leader of some ministers. This paper tries to compare the efficiency between two different institutions on the project approval: democracy vs. expertise. The democracy mechanism will have more power on the screening with the member increasing. Under the conditions that the quality of projects is lower, democracy mechanism will be better. If the quality is higher and the variance on the ability of experts is higher also, the expertise mechanism will be better
作者 陈光 牟治平
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期5-8,共4页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 中国科协重大政策研究项目“科技政策制定过程中的咨询体制和机制研究”(ZCYJ004)的研究成果之一
关键词 项目审批 群体决策 科技政策 project funding group decision S&T policy
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