

Property Control of the Premixed Self-compacting Concrete
摘要 自密实混凝土(SVB)特点主要体现在其新拌混凝土的特别的性能,然而自密实混凝土这些特性是通过质量稳定的最优化的原材料以及制造过程达到的。在实际应用时,作为预拌自密实混凝土浇筑时,其必须显示出所需要的新拌混凝土特性。在混合物混合结束与浇筑开始之间的间隔时间总计可能超过90min,在这较长时间间隔情况下,与在预制工厂应用相比,要求考虑时间和温度对自密实混凝土(SVB)的实用特性变化的影响。掌握粉体材料应用、含水量和增塑剂作用原理以及其相互影响方面的足够的知识是必要的。混凝土原材料和混凝土构成对混凝土流变性能、混凝土硬化性能和施工性能的影响由试验室试验确定。在对预拌混凝土相同原材料和相同配合比的监督检查应根据在结合实际情况下进行,混凝土的可否运送由试验室的结果确定。所有被监督检查的混凝土应符合客户订货确定的硬化混凝土性能要求。 The property of self-compacting concrete (Selbstverdichtender Beton) is decided by the premixing process for it is realized by the most optimized raw materials and the concrete production process. Before pouring, the premixed self-compacting concrete must own the properties that are required from the freshly mixed concrete. The time between premixing and pouring of concrete cannot excel 90mins; during the time in between, influence of time and temperature on the concrete property must be considered and it is necessary to make full study on the ash materials, water content, plasticizer and their interaction. Influence of raw materials and their components on the rheological property, hardening property and operable property of concrete should be studied in the laboratory. Whether or not the premixed self-compacting concrete can be delivered should be decided by the test results in lab. And all the concrete under supervision and inspection should fulfill the property needs required by the clients when it becomes hardened
出处 《安徽建筑》 2008年第1期105-109,共5页 Anhui Architecture
关键词 自密实混凝土 配合比 试验 self-Compacting concrete proportioning test
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