Homeric lengthy metaphor is a comparatively commonly used Rhetorical Devices in European Literature, which was evidenced by tracing back from Homeric epic to the Euramerican Poems of Symbolism. Chinese modem Poet, Ai Qing can exert Homeric metaphor very smoothly. A large quantity of Homeric metaphor can be witnessed in his poems. There is an intermediate approach when he transplanted Homeric metaphor for reference. It is European poems of Symbolism. We may speak that Ai Qing met Homeric metaphor by chance when he studied the art of Eurameriean Symbolism poems and then tried to use it for reference. His figures of speech married the pureness and brightness of Homeric epic with the characteristics of symbol, implication and metaphor of the symbolism poems. So, his poems are dean, bright and implicative, profound as well. It also acquired the concrete and tangible ethnic taste and dear-to-see ethnic style.
Ai Qing
Homeric lengthy metaphor
the art of Euramerican
Symbolism Poems