The author or the main author of The Story by the Water Margin was Luo Guan-zhong. The title came from Da Ya· Mian of The Poetry, which embodied the major idea of loyalty in the book. As a model, Song Jiang was the author' s focus speaking and the story' s soul. He was a chivalrous person, but was more like a loyal minister. His loyalty was not in general speaking, he did what others hardly, uncoumgeously and incapablely did. It was the unprecedented loyalty. From Song Jiang we could see a great ancient man' s pursuing to his life value, his frustrations, his understanding to misfortune, his dream to honor and as well as puzzlement to reality. In The Story by the Water Margin, Song Jiang was another kind of hero different from Li Kui, Lu Zhi-shen and so on. As a literature model, he had more connotation, he was more difficult to understand and so he was worth getting more affirming and sympathy.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
The Story by the Water Margin
, author
book title
major idea
Song Jiang