
REMPI-TOFMS用于焚烧过程二恶英的连续监测 被引量:3

Application of REMPI-TOFMS for Continuous Monitoring of Dioxins in Waste Incineration
摘要 介绍了剧毒污染物二恶英的基本特性以及焚烧过程产生二恶英的特点,阐述了共振增强多光子电离-飞行时间质谱(REMPI-TOFMS)技术的优势以及应用于二恶英连续监测的潜力。对于焚烧过程产生的二恶英,以其替代物作为检测对象的REMPI-TOFMS检测技术在连续监测方面展现出很好的前景。 This paper describes the properties and origin of dioxins in combustion processes, and gives a brief introduction of basic conceptions and characteristics of resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (REMPI-TOFMS). REMPI-TOFMS is one of the most promising techniques to be used in the continuous monitoring of dioxins in waste incineration. It shows a better future of the application of REMPI-TOFMS for dioxins measurements by the continuous monitoring of their surrogate.
作者 马靖 丁蕾
出处 《光谱实验室》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期I0036-I0040,共5页 Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
基金 福建省教育厅A类科技项目(JA07027)
关键词 二恶英 REMPI—TOFMS 连续监测 替代物 Dioxin,REMPI-TOFMS,Continuous Monitoring,Surrogate.
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