The block-wise use of the TOPMODEL with the Muskingum-Cunge routing method (BTOPMC) is a physically based distributed hydrological model developed for large river basins. In this study BTOPMC model was used in Huang Nizhuang catchment which lies in Shiguan River Basin to investigate the model applicability in small catchment. The results show that precision of simulation is not very high,but simulated runoff is accurate,and the runoff coefficient is more similar to the observed one. Compared to the observed discharge, model performed very well in wetness year which was characterized by large rainfall,centralized precipitation period and large flood peak,while badly in droughty year with little rainfall ,dispersive rainfall period and small flood peak. The result of parameters sensitivity analysis shows that the decay coefficient(m) and roughness (n0) have more effect on model output ,belong to sensitive parameters. The other parameters are not sensitive relatively.
Water Resources and Power