Purpose To investigate the clinicpathologic association and differential diagnosis of lipidized cell glioblastoma. Methods MRI and surgical findings, histopathologic changes and immunohistochemical features of lipidized cell glioblastoma were reported in a 14- year-old girl with a right temporal mass. Results MRI revealed an expanding mass located at the right frontal and temporal lobes with poorly marginated and diffusely infiltrating hemispheric lesions, which was hypointense on T1-WI, and hyperintense with adjacent vasogenic edema on T2-WI/T2-FLAIR. MRI also showed that the middle line markedly shifted to the left, right lateral ventricle deformed and disappeared, and a thick, irregular enhancing ring of neoplastic tissues surrounding a necrotic core. Histopathologically, tumor cells showed 2 types of growth pattern : most of tumor cells with foamy lipid vacuoles and some spindle cells. There was pleomorphism and anaplasia in both cell types, with foci of necrosis and endothelial proliferation. Both types of the tumor cells were strongly positive for GFAP, vimintin, and p53 staining. In addition, about 10% of the tumor cells were positive for Ki67. The area of foamy lipidized tumor cells was lack of reticulum fiber. The patient died 3 month after operation. Conclusion Lipidized glioblastoma is a very rare subtype of glioblastoma. The tumor cells are strongly positive for GFAP. Differential diagnosis of this tumor mainly includes anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma and the prognosis varies reported in the literature.
Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology