

Microstructure Metallization Using Electroless Gold Plating
摘要 无电镀是金属化的一种重要手段,具有成本低、保形性好、简单易操作等特点.在以前报道的MEMS结构无电镀金属化过程中,金属和硅结构会全部被金属化,难以形成复杂结构的局部选择性金属化.为此,采用一种商用无氰配方无电镀金溶液,通过两步无电镀方法,控制实验样品的激活时间、水浴温度等条件和两步镀覆的时间,使用无电镀镍作为中间层,实现了在特定材料层上的无电镀金;其针孔密度低,表面平整度较好,具有高的选择性,为高性能器件的研制打下了基础. Electroless plating has been widely used in metallization of microstucture, but it makes most of the sample encapsulated with metal and the selective metallization difficult to be realized. By electroless plating with two steps, and controlling the experimental condition (such as activating time and water bath temperature), the gold layer Was selectively electrolessly plated on special part of the structure. The electroless gold plating was based on a commercial noncyanide bath and took electroless nickel plating as the middle layer. The electroless gold plating is of low pinhole density, fiat surface and high selectivity, which lays a foundation for high performance devices.
作者 杨波 李志宏
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期347-350,共4页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
基金 微米/纳米加工技术国家重点实验室基金资助项目
关键词 无电镀金 选择性 金属化 无氰镀液 无电镀镍 激活液 electroless gold plating selectivity metallization noncyanide bath electroless nickel plating activating treatment
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