
一种无线传感器网络分步求精节点定位算法 被引量:19

Stepwise refinement localization algorithm for wireless sensor network
摘要 传感器网络由于资源受限,定位算法需要综合考虑算法开销、网络构建成本、定位精度等多方面因素。本文针对Boun-ding Box定位算法定位精度过于依赖于锚节点密度的问题,提出一种锚节点数量适中的无线传感器网络分步求精定位算法(SRBB)。该算法利用锚节点位置信息,结合多边测距定位方法分步求精,并可有效识别出网络中的孤节点,消除其对定位过程的影响。算法原理简单,便于实现,仿真实验表明,SRBB可利用适量的锚节点达到较高的定位精度,算法开销适中。 Localization algorithms in wireless sensor network need to consider combination of location accuracy, cost of network construction and costs of communication and computation due to its restricted resource. A stepwise refinement localization algorithm is proposed with a moderate number of anchor nodes in this paper. Based on the location information of anchor nodes, the rough location of each node is gained in the first phase, while the location accuracy would be iteratively refined using weighted muhilateration in the second phase. Orphan nodes that can not be localized are disposed in these two phases in order to eliminate their influence on the location accuracy. The algorithm can be implemented easily. Simulation results show that it can reach a relative high location accuracy level with a moderate number of anchor nodes and costs modestly.
作者 许磊 石为人
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期314-319,共6页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 国家教育部博士点基金(2006611010)资助项目
关键词 无线传感器网络 定位 多边测距 分步求精 wireless sensor network localization weighted muhilateration stepwise refinement
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