It is necessary to evaluate soil quality in order to prevent soil degradation and realize sustainable use of resources. The traditional physicochemical measures can not meat this need. Therefore, the study on soil ecology has become a hot research that aims to find out sensitive indices that can comprehensively reflect the dynamic changes in soil quality under different situations. Soil microbes are the important components of soil ecosystem, exhibiting the important role in biogeochemieal cycle. They are very sensitive to the changes of soil environments. However, their applications in the evaluation of soil quality are limited by the facts that soil microbes comprise various species and most of them are difficult to be cultivated. In recent years, many new techniques have been developed for this purpose and they can greatly promote the use of soil microbes in the evaluation of soil quality. These techniques include the measurements of microbial biornass, enzyme activity, biodiversity of soil microbes, substrate-induced respiration of soil, Biolog analysis, pure cultivation, phospholipid fatty acid analysis and molecular methods. In this paper, these techniques and their applications in the evaluation of soil quality are reviewed. Tab 1, Ref 70
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology