目的:观察Gnb2l1基因及其蛋白在大鼠体内是否存在节律性表达。方法:12D/12L光暗循环下,采用半定量RT-PCR的方法观察大鼠脑组织及肝脏组织的Gnb2l1,Per1 mRNA的变化规律;采用Western Blot方法检测大鼠脑组织及肝脏组织中Gnb2l1编码蛋白、PER1蛋白在不同时间点的变化。结果:12D/12L光暗循环下,大鼠脑组织及肝脏组织中Gnb2l1 mRNA和节律基因Per1mRNA及其蛋白产物均呈近日节律。结论:在大鼠体内,Gnb2l1基因及其编码的蛋白存在着近日振荡,其相位在节律基因Per1之前。由于Gnb2l1基因编码的蛋白RACK1是一种重要的接头分子,参与了PKC信号通路,而Per1基因的启动子又可以被PKC通路激活,加之前期试验证实RACK1能与PER1蛋白相互作用,因此RACK1蛋白很可能在有Per1参与的节律基因分子振荡环路的反馈机制中起到了重要的作用。
Objective: To investigate the circadian rhythm of Gnb2l1 gene and its protein in rat. Method: detecting Gnb2l1 mRNA level with the rat brain and liver samples by RT-PCR under condition of 12D/12L. Observing the expresssion level of RACK1 protein, which was encoded by Gnb2l1 gene, with the rat brain and liver samples by Western Blot under the same condition. Results: Gnb2l1 mRNA levels showed circadian oscillating in rat brain and liver under condition of 12D/12L. the protein, which was encoded by Gnb2l1 gene, also took on a circadian profile. Conclusion: Gnb2l1 gene and its protein take on a circadian profile in rat. so, Gnb2l1 gene involves in the circadian molecular loop, and may play a crucial role in it.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences