Objective To evaluate the efficacy of emergency orthotopic liver transplantation in treating patients with fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Method The clinical data of 7 patients from March of 2005yr to June of 2005yr who underwent emergency orthotopic liver transplantation (EOUF)were analyzed retrospectively. Results One patient was complicated with prilnary non-function of the transplanted liver after liver transplantation;Five patients completed regained consciousness within 48 hours after operation; One patient complicated with acute renal failure;One patient complicated with acute liver cell rejection postoperatively and reversed after treatment;One male patient complicated with serious stomatocace;Two patients complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS),underwent tracheotomy. Now 4 of the 7 patients survive with excellent quality of life,and have returned to work. Conclusion Emergency orthotopic liver tranplantation is an effective means to treat fulmilnant hepatic failure. It is essential for improving the successful rate of emergency orthotopic liver transplantation to win valuable time for gaining the donor through coming with appropriate preoperative management.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
Fulminant hepatic failure Emergency Orthotopic liver tranplantation