横断山地区是许多温带植物的冰期避难所。为揭示该地区分布物种的亲缘地理结构,检测了该地区特有、分布相对较为普遍的偏花报春Primula secundiflora的叶绿体trnL-trnF和rps16区序列变异。研究了11个居群109个个体,一共发现了15种单倍型。只有一种单倍型为3个居群所共有,其他单倍型都只存在于单个居群内。总的遗传多样性较高(HT=0.966),但居群内遗传多样性较低(HS=0.178)。尽管种内形态十分一致,居群间却存在高水平的遗传分化(FST=0.976)。NST(0.982)显著高于GST(0.816),表明偏花报春在居群间存在明显的亲缘地理结构。单倍型聚成四个主要的分支:三个分支的单倍型分布在北部,而另一分支的单倍型分布在南部。四个分支的隔离分布表明该物种在冰期存在多个避难所。未发现在其他温带物种中广泛存在的间冰期或者冰期后物种分布范围的统一扩张现象。但是,在气候变迁过程中由于居群增长-缩小反复发生,多数居群的遗传多样性降低。这些推断也被巢式分支分析所证实,距离隔离而导致的限制性基因流以及异域片断化被认为是该物种现有单倍型分布格局形成的主要原因。这种独特的谱系地理结构主要是由于气候变迁与该地区复杂的地质环境相结合造成的。
The Hengduan Mountains (HM) and adjacent regions have been suggested as the important refugia of the temperate plants during the glacial stages. However, it remains unknown how the HM endemic species can respond to the climatic oscillations. In this study, we examined the chloroplast trnL-trnF and rps16 sequence variation of Primula secundiflora, a relatively common alpine perennial endemic to this region. Sequence data were obtained from 109 individuals of 11 populations covering the entire distribution range of the species. A total of 15 haplotypes were recovered and only one of them is commonly shared by three populations while the others are respectively fixed in the single population. The total diversity (HT=0.966) is high while the within-population diversity (HS=0.178) is low. Despite the high uniformity of the intraspecific morphology, an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a high level of genetic differentiation (97.65%) among populations. The higher NST (0.982) than GST (0.816) (P〈0.05) suggested a distinctly phylogeographical pattern. Phylogenetic analyses of haplotypes identified four major clusters of the recovered haplotypes: three clades in the north, and the other one in the south. The isolated distribution of clades suggested multiple refugia of this species during the glacial stages. We failed to detect the interglacial or postglacial range expansion of this species as revealed for the other temperate plants. However, the low intra-population diversity suggested that most of the populations should have experienced the in situ shrink-expansion cycles during the climatic oscillations. This inference was further supported by the nested clade analysis, which indicated that restricted gene flow with isolation by distance and allopatric fragmentation were likely the major processes that shaped the present-day spatial distribution of haplotypes in this species. Such a special phylogeographic pattern may have resulted from a combination of both climatic os
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica