Background and purpose: Total cystectomy and neobladder are one of the most effective treatments for invasive bladder cancer. But the procedure is complicated and time consuming, it could cause massive blood loss and complications. Some patients even develop urinary incontinence after the procedure. This study is to improve the procedure and investigate the efficacy of modified operation. Methods: 119 patients ( male 109, female 10) with invasive bladder cancer had been treated with modified total cystectomy and neobladder. The mean age of the patients was 55 (range 33-78) years. The operative time, blood loss and blood transfusion during the operation was documented. The outcome including neobladder function, complications, tumor control and patients' survival, were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The procedure of total eysteetomy and neobladder has been modified in 8 steps. From January 2000 to February 2007 119 patients with bladder cancer underwent modified eysteetomy and neobladder. There was no surgical mortality. Operative time was 150-330 min (mean 245 min) ; blood transfusion was required in 39 (32.8%) cases. 9 of them had pathologically T1NOM0, and invasive tumor in 110 eases(T2NoM0 in 102 cases, T3aNoM0 in 3 cases, T3aNl M0 in 2 cases, T3bNl M0 in 2 cases and T4NIM0 in 1 cases). So far, 108 patients still survive disease-free; ten patients died of tumor metastasis and 1 case died of non-tumor cause. 113 (95%) patients were continent during daytime and 97(8l. 5%) patients were continent at night. Complications including wound dehiscence in 5 cases, urine leakage at ureter anastomosis in 1 case and eonglutination of ureter orifices in 8 cases, were corrected surgically without sequelae. Conclusions: Modified total eysteetomy and neobladder was an ideal method for treating invasive bladder cancer because of its excellent clinical outcome of tumor control, high quality of life, good urinary continence and few severe complications.
China Oncology
transitional cell carcinoma
urinary diversion