

Bacterial Containment System Regulated by the Concentration of Salicylate
摘要 由于存在基因工程微生物(GEMs)不受控制地在环境中释放的风险,利用GEMs的生物降解能力治理环境污染的方法受到了限制。在大肠杆菌JM109中构建了一个受环境污染物调控的细菌遏制系统,该系统是由杀伤元件和调控元件组成的双质粒体系,使细菌的存活受环境中水杨酸盐浓度的调控。当培养基含水杨酸盐时,阻遏蛋白LacI合成,阻止自杀基因gef表达,细菌快速繁殖;当水杨酸盐不存在时,自杀基因gef的表达导致细胞杀伤,菌体大量死亡。该遏制系统可作为模型用于具有生物修复功能的基因工程菌的构建。 Use of genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) for pollution abatement has been limited because of the risks associated with their uncontrolled release in environment. In this study, a pollutant-dependent bacterial containment system was constructed in E. coli JM109. The system consisted of two plasmids containing a killing element and a regulatory element respectively. The survival of strains can be regulated by the concentration of salicylate in environment. In the presence of salicylate, the expression of the suicide gene gefwas inhibited with the synthesis of LacI protein, leading to the normal proliferation of the strain. While in the absence of salicylate, the expression of the regulatory element was cancelled, and the expression of the suicide gene gefled to a high rate of cell killing. This containment system can be used as a model during the construction of genetically engineered strains for bioremediation.
出处 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期323-327,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
关键词 细菌遏制系统 GEL nahR 细胞杀伤 bacterial containment system, gef, nahR, cell killing
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